Big Analytixs is an integrated data management and business analytics platform providing descriptive, diagnostic, advanced, and predictive insights to utility, oil and gas, and commodity trading organizations.

Architecture That Runs Anywhere

On Premise

We align your business across the enterprise
The Big Analytixs platform is powered by common data, analytic, and process models which are tailored for asset management, trading, supply, and marketing lines of business.
The data model provides a common and consistent set of entities and rules allowing for true cross commodity slice/dice and drill through analysis.
The information model provides a common and consistent set of measures and rules allowing for true cross commodity analysis, dash boarding, and reporting.
The predictive and advanced analytical models provide a common and consistent set of insights allowing for prescriptive and proactive action.
The process models incorporate audit, balance, and control mechanisms that ensure logical and physical balancing while ensuring data quality and consistency. The process models also encapsulate master and meta data management capabilities.

We transform your business to be insight driven
The Big Analytixs platform powers deep insights and foresight across the business life cycle of asset management, trading, supply, and marketing through varying degrees of descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and advanced analytics aimed at deriving profitability, reducing risk, and improving compliance.
The platform’s predictive and advanced analytical capabilities are scaleable and flexible so that your organization may respond to changing business climates while maintaining profitability, staying competitive, and sustaining growth.
The platform’s information and data management capabilities provide data quality assurance to improve speed and reduce time in responding to regulatory, management, shareholder, and operational information requests.

We mature your business model to be innovative
The Big Analytixs platform enables and powers the journey of maturing your business capabilities. The journey begins by ‘making the analytical shift’ to use Big Analytixs’ capabilities to differentiate and establish competitive advantages. Within this journey, organizations transform their day to day operations and decision making by utilizing foresight defined within the prescriptive Big Analytixs modules.
The Big Analytixs platform comes with pre-defined extractors for your various source systems. The pre-defined source system extractors are defined below.
· External Data Sources
- (Market, Pricing, Weather)
· Settlement
· Risk
· Accounting
· Load
· Generation
· Asset Management
· Meter Data
Big Analytixs is capable of integrating with any presentation or data visualization tool. The Big Analytixs platform enhances the value of your investment in business intelligence tools.
The Big Analytixs open architecture allows you to run in any cloud or on premise environment.
What commodities does Big analytixs cover?
Big Analytixs is your common data, information and analytical platform for Crude, Refined Products, Power, Natural Gas, Coal, NGL, LNG, Heating Oil, Gasoline, Propane, Weather and Emissions.
what benefits does big analytixs deliver?
Big Analytixs is your single source of data, information and analytics across front, mid and back office that reduces time to market by 75% and total cost of ownership by 60%.
what TYPE OF DATA does big analytixs manage?
Big Analytixs platform manages structured, semi structured and unstructured data from your in house systems as well as external sources. The pre defined extractors for trade, price, load, generation, supply, grid, weather, risk, finance, settlement, fuel burn, storage, pipeline, power plant, transport, customer, meter, email, instant message and other sources are used to manage data workloads into the platform.
can big analytixs plaform be customized?
Big Analytixs implementation team works with you to customize and configure the models (data, information, analytics and process), data workloads and algorithms (advanced and predictive) to your requirements. As part of implementation, we transfer the knowledge to your team. Product services team works with your team for ongoing support and maintenance,

Request demo
To schedule a product demo with one of our product consultants, or find out more about our pricing, please fill in your contact details
Please email support@biganalytixs.com for any questions.